Oct 31, 2013

Miley: One Great Star

Since Miley Cyrus is one the most famous celebrities today, I know that a lot of people that don't ordinarily vote, but follow Hollywood pretty intensely, may be led to this post, and that's good, because I'm trying to reach out to non-voters for a change, and urging them to take an interest in this election or the next one because politics matters, believe it or not.  By the way, I like Miley Cyrus, the singer and musician, and would never have a celebrity name as the title of one my posts if I felt differently.  I like Ms. Cyrus because she doesn't mind being herself no matter what anybody thinks about her and that is something to be greatly applauded in a society that pretty much follows the herd rather than thinking independently.  At least there are people out there who say, "hey, wait a minute," this doesn't make sense, or it doesn't follow my sensibilities, or it's no more right than my very different way, or it's downright absurd or worse. Cyrus stands out because of her independence and willingness to take a stand for it, and by extension, her God-given natural rights, not to mention rights from the Constitution.  If only the political psyche of America was more like Cyrus, then we wouldn't be led astray by "moralistic" politicians and pontificators who are anything but moral.  So if you came to this post expecting a blog about entertainment rather than politics, you will be disappointed, but maybe you will think about politics more, and how your independent vote, if you decide to vote, could lead us to a better government that is really of, for and by the people.  For Newcastlers, it's not too late to vote today and up until the 5th day of November.  This will probably be N.P.R.'s last post until the results come in late Tuesday.

-- Mark Greene, Candidate for Newcastle City Council, Position 6

[revised on 10/31/13]

Recent N.P.R. post with Mark Greene's photo: Time to Vote.

Last day to mail in or drop-off ballots: Tues., Nov. 5th, 2013.

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