Sep 24, 2013

Voters' Guides Are Now On-Line

The Director of the King County Elections Department (Sherril Huff), a position for which Mark Greene was Runner-up for in 2011, has published the General Election Voters' Guide recently, and you can now view it on-line, including the Drescher (R) vrs. Greene (Commons) Position 6 race for Newcastle City Council.  Please, let your family and friends know about the new voters' guide.  Also, the Newcastle News will be publishing a Question & Answer segment from Newcastle City Council candidates (at least those running in the contested Position 6 race) in their October edition.

Post-script: The council race is non-partisan, but N.P.R. is going to be including the known "party information" about the candidates inside the usual parentheses from now until the election.  John Drescher helped the McCain (R) '08 presidential campaign and Mark Greene is the founder of the Party of Commons: Tradition, Progress, Ecology, and hasn't voted for a major party candidate for president in a general election since McGovern in '72, though Greene has voted in most elections since the age of 18.

[revised on 9/25/13]

Please vote for I-522 this November, YOUR RIGHT TO KNOW about whether of not the food you buy is genetically modified.

Sep 22, 2013

Drescher (R) Vrs. Greene (Commons)

The Town Establishment in Newcastle, overwhelmingly Republican, is very certain that they have pulled out all the stops to ensure that their candidate, John Drescher, will win the election.  However, indications and unofficial polls, don't seem to be going along with their candidate, therefore Mark Greene is still in the running and pretty much even with Drescher. In fact, it is Drescher that is struggling to pull above even despite help from turncoat Democrats like Rodney Tom and "Blue Dog" Adam Smith.  Democrats helping Republicans is nothing new, however, as we learned from the 2009 Council Race in County District 9.  This could stem from the fact that Mark Greene is with the Party of Commons or Commons Party, a fledgling third party, and thus with neither of the major parties.  The party's motto is Tradition, Progress, Ecology.  Your vote will turn the tables on those who think they already have it in their pocket.

Please vote for I-522 this November, YOUR RIGHT TO KNOW about whether of not the food you buy is genetically modified.

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