May 28, 2013


N.P.R. took down the previous post, "Fait Accompli?" because of apparent disinformation, which we thought, before we knew it was disinformation, was 90% credible, but it appears more like 50 - 50 after receiving more information from other sources.  Nobody really knows how these endorsements are going to pan out exactly, and we can't let this campaign be disrupted or made to make bad strategic moves based on rumors anymore.  There will be no more predictions about endorsements from this blog -- they will be what they will be when they're announced or publicized.  It has been an inauspicious start to the official campaign.

Update:  the Council's philosophical wing chart isn't necessarily static, and was recently updated (5/29/13) on the "Buri Takes Baton" post.  N.P.R will stay atop of the situation and let you know about the changes when they occur.  Philosophy includes the whole spectrum, by the way, which for Newcastle means the triad of economic, environmental and social policies.

[updated on May 29, 2013]

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