May 10, 2013

No Jumping Through Municipal League Hoops in '13

I am on the verge of filing for Council next week, and this could be my first elected office after 37 years of trying (initially, tried for a MI state legislative seat in 1976).  I will not be interviewing with the Municipal League of King County (a private organization), however, since I received an incredulous rating from them in 2011 for Director of Elections.  I guess they felt like they had to give out a few unqualifieds to a few unlucky candidates just to justify their lower ratings sphere, but anybody who did their homework and read my papers, websites and blogs about election administration, would have realized that I didn't deserve that, especially considering their "adequate" rating for someone named Chris Clifford for the same position two years earlier.  After I compared Mr. Clifford's public writings with my own public papers, I was pretty amazed and upset over the ratings disparity.  It's quite inexplicable.

This "League" gives out inexplicable ratings to others besides me, however, for instance, State Senator Pam Roach doesn't deal with them anymore.  Incidentally, they have a habit of giving "unqualifieds" to anybody who doesn't participate in their system  -- so if that happens to me this year, at least you will have a clear and explainable reason for "why" this time.

- Mark Greene

PREVIOUS POST: "Road and Waste Management Policies"

[revised on 5/14/2013]

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