Nov 12, 2013

Greene Winning Late Newcastle Tallies

But Too Little, Too Late
Mark Greene has been winning late vote count tallies by the K.C. Elections Dept., though his percentage of the overall vote has stayed within the 17% range, and Drescher's percentage of the vote is now rounded to 82% instead of the previous 83% (we'll keep changing a post that highlights the hare's percentage until it becomes steady).  There is a small write-in vote that accounts for about 1%.  People probably became more interested in the election in the latter days and thus read more.  Of course, the more people were informed about Newcastle's governance from alternative sources like N.P.R. (a couple of our other blogs that touched lightly on Newcastle were the only other alternative sources), the better Greene's chances were, but we have a feeling that voters, by and large, were mostly just following the Establishment's golden path for the hare as many were not following the election all that closely. 

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