Nov 11, 2013

The Hare Snares 82%

Veteran's Day, 2013: Amazingly, USMC veteran and anti-interventionist politician, Mark Greene, received the lowest share of votes, 17%, in a Newcastle General Election for Council of any candidate since 2005 and probably longer ago than that, if not since incorporation in 1994.  Ten points lower than the next lowest since '05.  For someone as steadily involved in Newcastle politics and as intellectual as Greene is to receive such a low percentage of the vote, something is not right.  Greene, however, received a significantly larger percentage county-wide, 22%, when he ran for King County Director of Elections.  Moreover, Newcastle Democrats are obviously fond of Republicans, and have chosen that party over 3rd party politicians, independents or other Democrats a number of times in so-called non-partisan elections, including this current one, of course.  The hare, John Drescher, snagged 82% of the votes, and if Democrats in Newcastle were only 40% -- though we think it's a little bigger than that -- then Drescher, a card-carrying Republican, likely received at least half of the Democratic vote.  The hare has never served a day in the service as far as we know, at least he has never noted it on his various profiles. 

Note: ex-vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin got a bigger percentage from Newcastle than Mark Greene, but Greene at least knows that Africa is a continent, not a country (and knew that since, oh, say the first grade).  Actually, Greene has pretty much always known that very elementary fact.  It's disgraceful that America actually nominated someone for vice-president who was that ignorant, let alone Alaska electing someone governor.

Northern Pacific Report salutes our veterans!

[revised on 11/25/13]

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